2990 exams created by 676 students
Exam Maker AI helps you create multiple-choice exams in seconds. Study smarter, not harder! Available for all languages. Any subject. Any level.
Used by students from
Create professional multiple choice tests in seconds. Our AI-powered exam maker transforms any content into ready-to-use tests.
Our multiple choice exam maker creates relevant, challenging questions that test true understanding of the material.
Create multiple choice exams from text, PDFs, images, or YouTube videos. Our exam maker handles all formats.
Stop spending hours creating multiple choice tests manually. Our exam maker does the work for you in seconds.
Practice with auto-generated multiple choice questions to improve retention and test readiness.
Monitor your performance with detailed analytics. Our multiple choice exam maker helps identify areas for improvement.
Whether you're a student preparing for tests or a teacher creating assessments, our multiple choice exam maker is the perfect tool. Create professional multiple choice tests in any subject, any language, instantly.
No subscriptions, no hidden fees.
Get started with 30 exam generations.
One-time payment, no subscription.
Unlimited exam generations for life.
One-time payment, no subscription.
Exam Maker AI is an AI-powered exam test generator. Users can paste their study material into our platform, and our AI will generate a multiple-choice test to help them prepare for their upcoming exam.
Simply paste your study text into our platform. Our AI will analyze the content and generate relevant multiple-choice questions based on the material. You can then take the test to assess your knowledge and prepare for your exam.
Exam Maker AI is designed to work with a wide range of subjects and exam types. However, it's best suited for content-based exams rather than skill-based or practical exams. For optimal results, ensure that the text you provide is clear, concise, and relevant to your exam material.
Our AI strives to generate accurate and relevant questions based on the provided text. However, the quality of the output depends on the quality and clarity of the input. We recommend reviewing the generated questions and using them as a study aid rather than as a definitive test of your knowledge.
Yes, you can save your generated tests to your account and revisit them later. We also offer options to share tests with study partners or classmates, making it easy to collaborate and prepare together.
We take your privacy seriously. All study material you input is processed securely and is not stored or shared with third parties. Our AI uses the text solely for generating questions and does not retain the original content after the test is created.
Exam Maker AI helps you prepare for your tests efficiently by generating custom multiple-choice questions from your study material. Our AI analyzes your content and creates relevant questions, making last-minute revision a breeze.
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